I came in at a whopping 177.6. I wasn't feeling so good about the weigh in today but it turned out really good. In 13 weeks, I have lost 12 and a half points. Since we moved here I have lost almost 20 pounds. I hope I never become acquainted with those 20 pounds again. Lost and forgotten.
BTW, I can not do the "no dessert till Christmas" goal anymore. I was feeling deprived and that is NOT the way to lose weight. If I feel deprived for too long, I will break down and stuff myself. I bought some light greek yogurt and sherbet ...not Blue Bell...to stave off the deprivation feelings. The sherbet is only 2 points...not 5... per serving.
I'm 232 lbs! Yippee. I had to use some discipline this week to stay below 26 points. Usually I would end up at 24 points and it took some major will power to say, "I'm done. I'm satisfied." Especially yesterday when I had to work again. I didn't have time to come home for lunch and one of the guys bought pizza for everyone (little ceasars--gross). I was starving. Back in my abnormal days I would have eaten at least 6 pieces, but my new normal meant I ate only 2 and a half. That greasy mess of pizza meant that I only had 9 points left for dinner though. Lindsay made delicious tacos and I was faced with the decision of one more taco or sherbet. I chose the taco, yum. I'm only 2 lbs away from my goal. It sure would be nice to see 230 on the scale next week. That's crazy. My clothes fit a lot better (some are even too big) and I've noticed a difference in my physical ability when I play ultimate. I still think I'm fat though, so I've got to set some new goals about what would make me not fat... I'm not sure that is even possible. I am happy about being near my goal weight though.
ps. To everyone who reads this blog and is trying to be a healthier you too,
Keep going. Share your successes with us in the comments (be brave). We want everyone to be healthy and live with us forever!
Congrats to you both. Lindsey I totally agree that staying off of dessert is too hard. I have recently tried to cut back my sugar intake. I couldn't cut it out completely but I have cut it back to only having it once a day. ( I used to eat a cookie or 2 for breakfast lunch and dinner or snack) I actually feel tons better when I don't pump as much sugar in me. Jack good luck with your goals to not feel fat, part of it is mental and sometimes that is the hardest part about losing weight. Even for me, when I look in the mirror I have a hard time seeing a trim girl I almost always think i have a tummy bubble or that the shirt makes me look fat or whatever, for me its a constant battle I have often. So, I have to tell myself I may not be able to see it, but I know that I look good. Other advise CELEBRATE the days you don't feel fat it builds up your ego and convinces you that your not. Good luck you both are doing so great.