Monday, October 29, 2012

Saturday Weigh In 27 Oct

178 and disappointed in myself.  I did play frisbee on Tuesday night but other than that I was pretty sedentary.  Plus the cravings for chocolate and cookies didn't help one bit.    On to a new hopefully better week. 7 weeks to get down 8 pounds.  Healthy and doable but hard.   One thing is for sure, the first ten pounds is a lot easier than the second 10 pounds and if that is any indication about the third 10 pounds please wish me luck.


It’s been a week since we posted and it showed up on the scale this week. My weight came in at 230. I’m glad I didn’t gain this week because I made some stupid food decisions. On Friday night, especially, I felt like a splurge so I ordered a large pizza and breadsticks and then ate my “usual” portion (1/2 a pizza and several breadsticks).  Boy did I feel ill afterwards. I was sick. I think my body officially will no longer tolerate unhealthy food in large quantities. This is probably the first time that has happened in my life. Usually I can eat whatever I want and as much as I want and then I’ll feel really full and need a nap, but I’m fine really. Not this time. This time I or rather my body was angry with me and I was in pain for the more part of the evening. It was stupid, but I learned a lesson that I hope not to repeat. My advice to myself next time is to take a modest portion and put the rest in the fridge before I take the first bite.

Second stupid decision. I didn’t really record what I ate during the week. I just sort of kept a running tally in my head and estimated the point value of my meals. I am pretty sure that led me to eat more than I ought to have on a few occasions. Like one day I had peanut butter on a pancake, which was fine, but then I had another one which was probably not fine. Sadly I guess I need the public accountability provided by this blog to help me make better decisions. A lot of people have asked why we decided to create a blog and make our journey/record public. Accountability is a key component to our success and the blog provides a good avenue for me to report.

Well, enough with  the dumb decisions. It’s about time for me to make another good decision. Daylight savings time will be ending next weekend and I think that I should keep waking up at the same time and get some exercise done in the morning. My problem is I’m not sure what to do for exercise. Any suggestions?


Ps. I hate running, so don’t suggest running. In fact if I see the root word “run” in a comment I’ll probably stop reading. Thanks.


  1. So, you had kind of rough week - we all do! You are on the right track though for digging in and going again! You are also right about key things like WRITING down EVERYTHING you eat. Our brain tallies are good, but in this exercise, the written record is essential. As far as exercise goes, Biggest Loser DVD's are pretty good - aerobic as well as fitness. Hang in there, you two!! I love that you are working so hard at this and I know you can do it! Love you.

  2. Try P90X or a gym membership were they have lots of choices. Also can I just say how jealous I am, I have been trying to lose weight for a while and you are doing so much better than I am. But you sure do keep me going.

  3. I wish you both good luck with the coming weeks. Jack as far as exercise fix your bike and ride it. Biking has no impact and I believe it helps with sprinting and endurance at the same time. Other than that I don't know because I XXX, but Jason enjoys sit-ups and push-ups. His idea is the faster the better, so maybe its kind of aerobic too. If you want a game system buy one (WII or PS3) and then get the Active. Thats all I have.
