Sunday, August 26, 2012

26 August 2012

B: cereal (5)
L: LO pizza & PJ bread stick (6)
D: 2 Gaylyn Pork burros (10)
Dessert: nill

We have a visitor and it is pretty cool :)  

ps. I lost 1.5 lbs this last week!

Yesterday and today were a bad couple of days. Yesterday I had a hot dog for lunch and then papa's pizza for dinner. Probably like 60 billion points. It was better though because it used to be that we would order pizza and breadsticks and then eat the whole thing while watching biggest loser (ironic). Las night I had 2 pieces of pizza and 2 breadsticks and I was full. Not just "satisfied" full. I had another breadstick and I think I ate too much. It was delicious but I'm paying for it today. My stomach doesn't handle those sort of greasy foods as well as I used to. Today wasn't much better because there was leftover pizza for lunch and then delicious pork burritos for dinner. That means I'll probably be ill tomorrow too. I think points today was 32! 4 over. That's bad.

In good news I lost another couple lbs this week! I now weigh 243! The same as what I weighed when I came home from my mission. The difference being I was extremely unhealthy after my mission. Now I'm just overweight not necessarily unhealthy. It sure feels good to go out and play frisbee or walk or whatever and not have to carry around 3 bags of sugar. It is nice to be eating less.


Monday, August 20, 2012

20 August 2012 (I think day 32 or something like that)

Well, today was a good food day. I had a bowl of cereal for breakfast (5 points) and then juicy lucy's for lunch (more on this later for points) and then left over sandwich fixin's for dinner (9 points). So at lunch Lindsay made 4 juicy lucy's and we had them on sandwich thins. Yummy! I thought that they were 3 or 4 points each so I had two, yum. Then Lindsay says, "those burgers are 5 points each!"

"What?!" says I. Bummer. I used up all my points. I guess that goes to show I should have just used better judgement and only had 1 because I only needed 1. So total for lunch was 13 or 14 points.... So, I don't have any points left for FHE refreshments. That makes me sad. I hope the girls don't have something amazing because that will make me sadder. Sometimes this diet is the pits.


B:oatmeal (4)
L: 1 burger and potato wedges (9)
D:leftovers (6)
Snack: stupid delicious cheddar mix (6)
Total: 25

Snacks are the devil and so is delicious beef.  I even bought extra lean.  I think that if you spend extra money on something to be healthy, it should be less points!  I did run this morning 1.5 miles in 19(ish) minutes.  The cheddar snack made me feel a little bit sick.  I haven't eaten snack like that in a while I guess.


Sunday, August 19, 2012

August 19, 2012

3 more pounds down. Who-hoo! I'm at 145 and it feels great. I haven't been at this weight in probably a year or more. I'm only 15 pounds away from my goal. Sorry for the short post, but I've got company and a crying baby.


Thursday, August 16, 2012

8/16/12 better

Well I've been not feeling well all week. I even missed a day of work. Boo. Today I had some really delicious food and I still stayed under points.

B: egg and bagel thin (3)
L: same as breakfast plus pancakes (3+5)
D: pizza (really, really good pizza) four pieces 16
Total: 27, which means I can have 1 cookie if I want.

This diet has gotten a lot easier. I think that my stomach has shrunk considerably. I don't even feel hungry most days even when I've had only 20 or so points. It sure is eye opening to realize that a lot of what I was eating before because I thought I "needed" it was simply fluff that I wanted. Usually just copious amounts of the delicious food my wife makes. She is a fantastic cook... I'm not bad either so that's no help.


L: same as Jack (10)
D: Same only less (12)
D cookies

Today I mowed the lawn but couldn't finish cause it plum wore me out.  The pizza tonight was really good.  Different dough recipe that I like.  I like both still though.


Sunday, August 12, 2012

12 August 2012

Today is Sunday. I had a good day, but I've been sorta sick this weekend. Whenever I'm feeling like this my usual remedy is to go to a buffet and just eat a bunch to provide my body with all of the energy it needs to fight off the sickness (I guess I've conditioned Lindsay too because she said that she was craving buffet since I'm sick). Well, we didn't give in. We had bean burritos last night. Today we had some good food too.

B: cereal and milk (5)
L: Left over bean burro with cheese sauce (4)--the sauce wasn't very good.
D: Pineapple chicken and rice with peas (8)
D: low fat chocolate brownie muffins (4) with milk (1)
Total: 22 (whoa! less than I'm allotted and I feel fine)


Yeah so I just wanted buffet and used Jack not feeling well as an excuse (shame on me).
B: same (5)
L: leftover burro with ketchup (because light Alfredo sauce not so good on burro) (4)
S: apple (1) muffin (2)
D: same (6)
D: Same but less (4)
Total: 22

(Betty broke the "A" on Jack's computer:(  )

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Weigh In Day! 11 August 2012

248.2 for me today. I'm still under 250, so that's good. Only lost 1/2 a lb this week though. I did notice at work on Thursday that my pants felt loose. One of the reasons I decided to start this diet was that all my pants were getting uncomfortable and I can't afford to go out and buy a new wardrobe. It was nice to be able to fit comfortably again.

185 Even for me.  I think I am slowing down but that just confirms what I know; you can't loose all the weight you want if you don't work out.  I have only been running once since we got back from Utah because it is just so DARN hot.  I can't believe it.  August is the worse month.  I do need to somehow still train for the 5K that I plan to do in Oct. or Nov.. I have still been doing a lot of yard work.  We gonna step it UP.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

7 August 2012

5 Year Anniversary!!!
1 year from today we will be at our weight loss quest finale and beginning the maintenance routine filled with lots of good activities.

B: egg and thin (3)
L: 2 wraps (5)
D: salad (1), wedges (3), and two turkey burgers (8) with cheese (2)
Total: 22, before any dessert

B: Oatmeal (5)
L: Burrito (3)
D: Salad (1), Wedges (3), Turkey burger (6)
Total: 18, before dessert

Monday, August 6, 2012

6 August 2012

Today I ate:
B: bagelthin and egg (3)
L: Rigatoni (4) and Salad (1) and bread (4)
D: Rigatoni (10)
Desert??? haven't eaten it yet, but I'm thinking I'll have about 6 points
Total: 28

B: Oatmeal (5)
L: Rigatoni (4), Salad (0), Bread (3)
D: Rigatoni (6)
Dessert??? haven't had it either yet, but probably 7
Total: 25 points (I'm bummed because I thought I had more)

*as written by Jack

"I hate rigatoni" -Lindsay

Saturday, August 4, 2012

4 August 2012 (Weigh In)

Hooray, hooray, it's weigh in day. Turned out to be pretty good. I guess I've been carrying around a bunch of excess because today the scale read 148.8!! (green means good, right?)  This is the first time I've been under 250 in about 6 months or so. At least since we moved to Texas. Hopefully I can keep this trend up, but I expect to slow pace a little bit after this week. As you can see in the before photos, I'm not obese but I am over weight. I hope to tighten things up a little around the edges. I'm also planning to add some muscles after I get down to my goal weight too. I could use a little of the good kind of beef up. I'm thinking 230 lbs at about 12% body fat... but I think if I want a six pack I need to get down to like 6% body fat. I'm not sure if that's possible. I guess we'll see. I've still got 12 months to get there (that will be our 6th anniversary, which is when this little experiment will be over and hopefully we/I'll have a new healthier lifestyle.



Everyone needs to take some hideous before photos to start off some good weight loss.

p.s. Lindsey doesn't wear those clothes out and about because they don't look good right now. BUT soon... it will look fabulous!!

Friday, August 3, 2012

3 August 2012 (day 14)

Well we missed a few more days this week. I ate 28 points each day. This included a milk shake 2 of the nights. Tonight I took my wife on a chicken express date that was probably less healthy than a date should have been because the babysitter canceled and I wanted to take a break from the norm anyway. I had 2 pieces of chicken and some fried okra. It was good, but too much food. I guess my stomach has shrunk because I use to eat twice as much and then feel okay, but tonight just those 2 pieces and some fried bites left me a bit queezy. I guess I can survive on just 1 breast or 2 legs and a regular portion of side. Deep fried isn't all it's cracked up to be. Tomorrow is a weigh in day. I think I'll weigh, but I don't think Lindsey will. She's been a real trooper and has been doing the grocery shopping to keep us stocked with low point options. It sure makes it easier to eat better when we are doing it together. Let's see:
B: cereal and milk (4 points)
L: cheese it chicken wrap (6)
D: mucho
D: 8 points for 3 cookies and milk, yum (better than the chicken and okra, I should have just had cookies for  dinner)


I have stayed at or below 25 points all week.  Can I get a woot woot "hallelujah". Good Enough.  I got 1 breast and a leg and some okra and it was a bit much.  I think just a regular side instead of family size would have been just fine.  We did make good choices in that we didn't get a large family meal like we used to AND we didn't get drinks.  Just water for us.  I would say we are trying to be more natural and NOT drink our calories (humans are the only species that DRINKS their calories after being weened) BUT I still like deodorant :) very much!
B:oatmeal (4)
L cheese it chicken wrap (6)
D: same (chicken is good for you.... not so much when it is fried)
