Sunday, August 11, 2013

1 year later

Here are the results of a year of hard work:
The proof is in the data, but here are some pictures too.

I would like to add here that it is very hard for me to put these before pictures up BUT I know it will be good for me in not getting here again. ugh.

I just realized that there isn't a sideways before of Jack so there it is for comparison...WOW

and here is a bonus or two

I like to think I have guns


  1. WOW you guys look fabulous!!! I hope it feels like it is worth all the work you guys have put in for making a healthy lifestyle. Good job, you guys are on my hero list.

  2. INCREDIBLE!!!!!!! HOLY MOLY! I was shocked when I saw the 'before' of both of you and how far you have come. You made every single goal. Look at your measurements and how much you have decreased everywhere! Oh, I am so proud of you. Keep up the good work. Keep being healthy. I need you around for as long as possible and so does little Betty. I am so impressed. I echo Katey, you are my heroes.
