The weekend was good. Today was not so good. I lost track of points at lunch and before I knew it I'd munched my way through 12! Ouch. I guess 12 isn't too bad, but on Monday I like to save some points so that I can have Family Home Evening refreshments. This week should be interesting. We have a goal to drive all the way to Arizona and not eat out. It's ambitious but I'm confident we can do it. I learned this week that there is only one spot in the United States where you can be more than 100 miles away from a McDonalds. It's in North Dakota somewhere. I thought that was pretty amazing. I think it says something about the culture we live in. For all the voice`s out `th`ere SAY``ing don't eat bad there are about a billion saying, "eat this,it's deliciously fattening good!"
I say, "Bahumbug! fat. Hello Christmas." I hope you all have a very merry Christmas season. I'll try to post a couple of times to let ya'll know how I'm coping with the holiday cravings.
You guys are doing awesome!! Can't wait to see you.