Sunday, July 8, 2012

Day 2

So, today wasn't too bad either. This is what I ate:
B: Oatmeal with cranberries and blueberries (5)
L: BBQ Tuna (actually looks like pulled pork, but tastes a little different) open faced sandwich (2)
D: Lasagna 1.5 pieces (12), Salad with bell pepper from our garden (0) and Brussels sprouts (0)
Dessert: Cookies (4 points) and ice cream (5)
Total: 28
I discovered that eating only a piece and half of lasagna (I usually down 4) was really hard. Not hard because I'm starving, but because I like the taste of lasagna and I know I have room for more. That's the sort of thing that I need help with and that the points do for me. They help me limit how much I eat. If only I could spread out that taste more, make it last longer, and not have so many leftovers sitting there when I'm done. I think this diet is going to save us money too because we will have a lot more leftovers and they'll last longer too. Even after 2 days of this we've got about 8 muffins, some manicotti, and 8 servings of lasagna in the fridge. Oh boy. Also, I've realized that cheese is my worst enemy... and its sidekick is bluebell ice cream.

B: Oatmeal with cranberries and blueberries (5)
L: Open BBQ Tuna (which was actually pretty good) (2)
D: Spinich/Romain Salad with carrots, bell peppers, and tomato (0) Brussels Sprouts (0) Lazagna (8)
Dessert: Cookies (4) Ice cream (5)
Total: 24
I realize that most of my points are spent on dessert at this point but I am still easing into this and we have a bunch of already made cookies in the freezer that need to be extinct for a while.  I also noted today that drinking 5 full glasses of water helps with the whole feeling full thing.  Hopefully, I will be to a point where I like fat free ranch, no mayonnaise in my tuna, and no dessert (no dessert will be the trick).

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