Saturday, April 27, 2013

Well Now It Is The End Of April

Since last time I wrote I rode the roller coaster between 172 and 169.  I had surgery on the 16th of April and the 23rd of April to have my thyroid out and right now am sitting on 168.  I got down to 165 but that was because I didn't eat anything for 2.5 days and I couldn't keep that up as that is not healthy.  I do hope to stay below 170 throughout recovery.  My mom came for the second surgery as did my sister and it has been sooooo nice having them to visit and help take care of the little one.  Our church and my neighbor has brought delicious meals to help and so I don't feel like I am neglecting my family.
I had been running quite regularly and my goal was to do 3 miles once a week every week and I held that up for two whole weeks (couldn't do it the past 2 weeks due to surgery).  When I get back at it I will continue the goal of 3 miles once a week and when that feels more comfortable I will up it to perhaps 3.5 or even 4.
